Wednesday 16 June
Context - le contexte
To sustain Africa's growth and accelerate its response to climate change, huge investments are needed in key sectors, including agriculture, energy, water, infrastructure, cities, and ecosystems – ones that are all vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and variability. This fact remains true even in light of the COVID-19 pandemic because the pace at which the world’s climate is warming has not slowed, and so as countries in the region begin to consider their respective recovery packages, there is a need to align these two initiatives to ensure that opportunities to ‘build back better’ are not missed. 
Investing in green and resilient infrastructure provides one mechanism that countries can use to find synergies between climate action and COVID-19 recovery efforts in each of the key sectors above. While significant progress has been made to close Africa’s infrastructure gap, the region still lags behind, with some US$ 130 – 170 billion per year needed over the next decade. Given the breadth of what is needed to fill that gap, we must ensure that this new infrastructure does not lock the region into carbon-intensive development pathways. 
However, one of the challenges in doing so is understanding the associated climate risks so that these investments can perform and deliver services in both today’s and tomorrow’s climates. Doing so requires a shift away from consolidated behaviors and practices to an integrated framework approach that brings together climate information, climate impact assessment and decision-making. The Africa Climate Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) aims to support African policymakers, institutions, the private sector, project developers and other potential beneficiaries with the integration of climate resilience into the planning, design, and implementation of investments.
The African Union Commission (AUC), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), World Bank (WB), and African Development Bank (AfDB) have been jointly organising the Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summits (ACRIS) for the past six years through generous support from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). This year, the fifth edition of ACRIS will take place virtually on June 16 and 17, 2021 and provide participants with a platform to discuss key issues surrounding how Africa countries can put green investments at the heart of their COVID-19 recovery strategies.
Afin de soutenir la croissance de l'Afrique et accélérer l'éradication de l'extrême pauvreté, d'énormes investissements sont nécessaires dans des domaines clés, notamment l'agriculture, l'énergie, l'eau, les infrastructures, les villes et les écosystèmes – des secteurs qui sont tous très sensibles aux impacts du changement climatique. Cela reste vrai même en tenant compte de l'épidémie de COVID-19, car le rythme auquel le climat planétaire se réchauffe n'a pas ralenti. Alors que les pays de la région commencent à envisager leurs plans de relance respectifs, il est nécessaire d'aligner ces deux initiatives pour s'assurer que les occasions de "reconstruire mieux" ne sont pas manquées,
Investir dans des infrastructures vertes et résilientes fournit un mécanisme que les pays peuvent utiliser pour trouver une synergie entre l'action climatique et les efforts de relance COVID-19 dans chacun des secteurs clés. Bien que des progrès significatifs aient été réalisés pour combler le déficit d'infrastructure de l'Afrique, la région est toujours on retard, avec quelque 130 à 170 milliards de dollars US par an nécessaires au cours de la prochaine décennie. Compte tenu de l'ampleur de ce qui est nécessaire pour combler cette lacune, nous devons nous assurer que cette nouvelle infrastructure n'enferme pas la région dans des voies de développement à forte intensité de carbone.
Cependant, l'un des défis à relever est de comprendre les risques climatiques associés afin que ces investissements puissent effectuer et fournir des services dans les climats d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Pour ce faire, il faut s'éloigner des comportements et des pratiques consolidés pour adopter une approche-cadre intégrée qui rassemble les informations climatiques, l'évaluation des impacts climatiques et la prise de décision. La Facilité africaine d'investissement pour le climat (AFRI-RES) vise à aider les décideurs, les institutions, le secteur privé, les développeurs de projets et autres bénéficiaires potentiels africains à intégrer la résilience climatique dans la planification, la conception et la mise en œuvre de ces investissements.
La Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA), la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA), la Banque mondiale (BM) et la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) ont organisé conjointement les Sommets africains sur l'investissement dans la résilience climatique (ACRIS) depuis six ans grâce au généreux soutien du Fonds de développement nordique (NDF). Cette année, la cinquième édition de l’ACRIS aura lieu virtuellement du 16 au 17 juin 2021, sous le thème « Intégrer et financer la résilience climatique en vue de la reprise verte de l’Afrique » et permettra aux participants de discute sur notre plateforme pour discuter des questions clés pour que les pays puissent mettre les investissements verts au cœur de leurs stratégies de relance COVID-19.
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 06:20 EDT / 10:20 GMT / 11:20 WAT / 12:20 CEST / 13:20 EAT
Welcome Note - Mot de bienvenue
Andrew Dowell, CEO of GRV Global
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 06:25 EDT / 10:25 GMT / 11:25 WAT / 12:25 CEST / 13:25 EAT
Opening Remarks - Remarques d'ouverture
H.E. Ambassador Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of African Union Commission (AUC)
Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Dr. Simeon Ehui, Central and Western Africa Regional Director for Sustainable Development of World Bank Group
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 06:55 EDT / 10:55 GMT / 11:55 WAT / 12:55 CEST / 13:55 EAT
Keynote Addresses - Discours principaux
Karin Isakson, Managing Director of Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
Prof. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
H.E. Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, United Nations Assistant Secretary General (ASG) and Director General, African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group of Africa Risk Capacity (ARC)
Dr. Anthony Nyong, Regional Director – Africa of Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA)
Michael Rattinger, Senior Officer of European Investment Bank (EIB)
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 07:35 EDT / 11:35 GMT / 12:35 WAT / 13:35 CEST / 14:35 EAT
Ministerial Session - Session ministérielle
Hon. Mr. Soares Cassama, Minister of Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity, Guinea Bissau
Hon. Hassan Karneh, Deputy Minister for Research Planning and Policy of Ministry for Research, Planning and Policy, Liberia
Hon. Dr. Mahad Hassan , Deputy Minister of Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport of Somalia
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 08:00 EDT / 12:00 GMT / 13:00 WAT / 14:00 CEST / 15:00 EAT
Investing in cross-border energy infrastructure for enhanced resilience - Investir dans les infrastructures énergétiques transfrontalières pour une résilience renforcée.
This session will bring together a high-level panel of private-sector experts and senior policymakers to discuss obstacles to cross-border energy infrastructure investment, as well as identify policy and regulatory actions to interconnect Africa's power systems to enhance climate resilience.
Cette session réunira un panel de haut niveau d'experts du secteur privé et des décideurs de haut niveau pour discuter des obstacles aux investissements transfrontaliers dans les infrastructures énergétiques, ainsi que pour identifier les mesures politiques et réglementaires pour interconnecter les systèmes électriques africains afin d'améliorer la résilience climatique.
Panel Chair: Tendayi Marowa, Chairman of Technical Committee on Energy/ Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant of Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe.
Atef Marzouk, Acting Director, Department of Infrastructure & Energy, of African Union Commission (AUC)
Hancox Jaoko, Regional Energy Advisor of United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Nopenyo Dabla, Programme Officer Sub-Saharan Africa of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Eng. Alison Chikova, Chief Engineer (Planning & Operations) of Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP)
Nadja Haakansson, Managing Director for Africa of Siemens Energy (Pty) Ltd
Dr. Rafatou Fofana, Director of the Observatory of Water Resources and Associated Ecosystem of Volta Basin Authority
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 09:15 EDT / 13:15 GMT / 14:15 WAT / 15:15 CEST / 16:15 EAT
First Open Chat Live - Première discussion ouverte
Media and Climate Change Communication
Led by Mr. Kofi Adu Domfeh, News Editor, The Multimedia Group.
Participants join in with their input. 
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 09:45 EDT / 13:45 GMT / 14:45 WAT / 15:45 CEST / 16:45 EAT
From vulnerability to resilience: opportunities for coastal and island states - De la vulnérabilité à la résilience : des opportunités pour les États africains
A panel of policymakers and development specialists will speak to the ways in which African countries can overcome the three critical crises that they are facing – economic, climate and health – to build stronger economies and local communities that are resilient to climate impacts and exogenous shocks. 
Un panel de décideurs et de spécialistes du développement expliquera comment les pays africains peuvent surmonter les trois crises critiques auxquelles ils sont confrontés - économique, climatique et sanitaire - pour construire des économies plus fortes et des communautés locales résilientes aux impacts climatiques et aux chocs exogènes.
Panel Chair: Dr. Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Lead Environment Specialist, Climate Change Coordinator, Africa Region of World Bank Group
Stuart Mangold, Senior Policy Advisor: Africa & Bilateral Relations of Department of Environmental Affairs, Government of South Africa
Aklilu Fikresilassie, Director, Thriving Resilient Cities, WRI Africa of World Resources Institute (WRI)
Eng. Raphael Sigauke, Acting Deputy Director of Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Development, Zimbabwe
Nora Berrahmouni, Senior Forestry Officer of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ali Osman, AFR100 Focal Point of Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development, Sudan
Dr. Hassan Agouzoul, Senior expert sustainable development and climate change of Ministry of the Environment of Morocco
Stephen Dorey, Public Health Specialist of World Bank Group
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 11:00 EDT / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 WAT / 17:00 CEST / 18:00 EAT
Second Open Chat Live - Deuxième discussion ouverte
Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: 
Led by Mr. Luca Rossi, Deputy Chief-UNDRR Regional Office For Africa, UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. 
Participants join in with their input. 
Beginning June 16, 2021, at 11:30 EDT / 15:30 GMT / 16:30 WAT / 17:30 CEST / 18:30 EAT
Building resilience through natural capital, nature-based solutions - Renforcer la résilience grâce à des solutions basées sur la nature.
The panellists in this session will exchange views on ways in which nature-based solutions are providing a vehicle for delivering comprehensive and cross-sectoral investments that contribute not only to climate mitigation and adaptation efforts but also sustainable economic development.
Les panélistes de cette session échangeront leurs points de vue sur la manière dont les solutions fondées sur la nature fournissent un moyen de réaliser des investissements complets et intersectoriels qui contribuent non seulement aux efforts d'atténuation et d'adaptation au changement climatique, mais également au développement économique durable.
Panel Chair: Sanjay Srivastava, Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy of World Bank Group
Dr. Philip Osano, Center Director of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) - Africa Center
Teresa Gitonga, Kenya Programme Manager of International Tree Foundation
Excellent Hachileka, Climate Change Specialist of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Dr Peter Mbile, Senior Field Programs Coordinator of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Elvis Tangem, Coordinator of African Union Commission (AUC)
Tabi H Joda, Executive Director of GreenAid International - One Billion Trees for Africa
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Thursday 17 June
Beginning June 17, 2021, at 08:00 EDT / 12:00 GMT / 13:00 WAT / 14:00 CEST / 15:00 EAT
Boosting food security through Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). - Renforcer la sécurité alimentaire grâce à l'agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC).
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers an integrated approach to dealing with the challenges of food security and climate change. This panel will look at what kinds of financing and investments are needed to bring CSA to life in the post-COVID era.

L'agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) offre une approche intégrée pour relever les défis de la sécurité alimentaire et du changement climatique. Ce panel examinera les types de financement et d'investissements nécessaires pour donner vie à la CSA dans l'ère post-COVID.

Panel Chair: Dr. Holger Kray, Practice Manager, Agriculture and Food Global Practice of World Bank Group
Dr. Jethro Zuwarimwe, Senior Lecturer of University of Venda
Yawo Jonky Tenou, Task Manager of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Dr. Berhane Gebru, Technical Adviser of FHI 360
Prof. Afeikhena Jerome, Special Advisor to the Commissioner for Rural Economy & Agriculture of African Union Commission (AUC)
Epaphras Ndikumana , Social and Environment Impact Manager of Long Miles Coffee Project (LMCP)
Kwame Ababio, Snr. Programme Officer, Advisory Services of African Union Development Agency - NEPAD
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Beginning June 17, 2021 at 09:15 EDT / 13:15 GMT / 14:15 WAT / 15:15 CEST / 16:15 EAT
Third Open Chat Live - Troisième discussion ouverte

Beginning June 17, 2021 at 09:15 EDT / 13:15 GMT / 14:15 WAT / 15:15 CEST / 16:15 EAT

Led by Mr. Sagar Aryal, CTO, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation.
Participants join in with their input.
Beginning June 17, 2021 at 09:45 EDT / 13:45 GMT / 14:45 WAT / 15:45 CEST / 16:45 EAT
Innovative financing instruments and risk mitigation for climate resilience in post-COVID Africa - Instruments innovants de financement et atténuation des risques pour la résilience climatique en Afrique post-COVID
In the aftermath of the current coronavirus disease pandemic, African countries will need to intensify their resource mobilisation efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 through climate-resilient development planning and implementation. Panellists in this session will discuss the best avenues for achieving these goals. 

Au lendemain de la pandémie actuelle de la maladie à coronavirus, les pays africains devront intensifier leurs efforts de mobilisation de ressources pour réaliser l'Agenda 2030 et l'Agenda 2063 grâce à une planification et une mise en œuvre d'un développement résilient au changement climatique. Les panélistes de cette session discuteront des meilleurs moyens d'atteindre ces objectifs.

Panel Chair: Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Steve Gray , Regional Representative - West Africa of United Kingdom Export Finance
Gunter Fischer, Senior Investment Officer of European Investment Bank (EIB)
Olufunso Somorin, Regional Principal Officer of African Development Bank (AfDB)
Angelique Pouponneau, CEO of Seychelles' Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust
Dr. Alain Serges Kouadio, Director of The Green Economy of Ministry of The Environment And Sustainable Development, Cote d'Ivoire
Markus Repnik of World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Lucy Nyirenda, Head of Government Services (East and Southern Africa) of Africa Risk Capacity (ARC)
Eman Wahby , Grow In Africa Fund of Impact Investment Fund
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Beginning June 17, 2021, at 11:00 EDT / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 WAT / 17:00 CEST / 18:00 EAT
Fourth Open Chat - Live
‘Low-carbon Innovation Pathways: Towards an open innovation framework for Africa’ 
Led by Dr. Maruf Sanni, Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow, RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Italy.
Participants join in with their input.
Beginning June 17, 2021, at 11:30 EDT / 15:30 GMT / 16:30 WAT / 17:30 CEST / 18:30 EAT
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility – successes, opportunities, and partnerships to build resilience in Africa.

The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) brings to bear the comparative strengths of each of the partners in integrating long-term climate resilience in investments in climate-sensitive sectors. This session will focus on the lessons learned from the program’s first five years, as well as look ahead to how the knowledge AFRI-RES has generated can be incorporated into other investments.

La Facilité d'investissement pour la résilience climatique en Afrique (AFRI-RES) met à profit les forces comparatives de chacun des partenaires pour intégrer la résilience climatique à long terme dans les investissements dans les secteurs sensibles au climat. Cette session se concentrera sur les enseignements tirés des cinq premières années du programme, ainsi que sur la manière dont les connaissances générées par AFRI-RES peuvent être incorporées dans d'autres investissements. 
Panel Chair: Dr. Linus Mofor, Senior Energy and Climate Change Expert - African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Aage Jorgensen, Program Manager of Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
Evans Kaseke, Programme Manager - Strategic Planning of Zambezi Watercourse Commission
Hisham Osman, Environmental Engineer of World Bank Group
Jostas Mwebembezi, Executive Director of Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy
Jae So, Director of Programs (Interim) of Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA)
Benjamin Larroquette, Regional Technical Advisor of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Alex Campbell, Head of Research and Policy of International Hydropower Association
Q&A 15 minutes live - Q et R 15 minutes en direct
Beginning June 16, 2021 at 12:45 EDT / 16:45 GMT / 17:45 WAT / 18:45 CEST / 19:45 EAT
Closing remarks - Remarques de clôture

Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Presentations available on PNYX Platform:
Pre-recorded and placed on the platform for viewing or downloading
Energy Presentations
Michael Schroeder, Member of the board of Desertec Foundation
Cathy Oxby, Chief Commercial Officer of Africa GreenCo
Philip Akello, Programme Manager - Environment & Climate of Royal Danish Embassy, Nairobi
Resilience Presentations
Geoff Tooley, Senior Manager: Catchment Management of eThekwini Municipality, S.A.
Diane Aboubakar, Senior Policy Officer of African Union Commission (AUC)
Nature Based Solutions
Dr. Peace Liz Sasha Musonge, Founder of Bakatoa
Smart Agriculture Presentations
Kwame Ababio, Snr. Programme Officer, Advisory Services of African Union Development Agency - NEPAD
Finance Presentations
Steve Gray , Regional Representative - West Africa of United Kingdom Export Finance
Prof. Tom Peter Migun Ogada, Executive Director of African Centre for Technology Studies
Cecilia Njenga, Head of South Africa office of UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Chikondi Chabvuta, Regional Advocacy Advisor of Care International