The UN Secretariat Procurement Division (UNPD) will host an open session for all ADR2020 delegates, presenting fundamentals on doing business with the UN and discussing the UN's Global Marketplace (UNGM) vendor registration process. This session will look at the principles of UN procurement, the UN system, areas of operation and types of goods & services, the tender process, challenges, UNGM registration, content, the UNGM website and mobile app, and the Global Compact. This UN Procurement Workshop will also detail case studies and give you an opportunity to ask any questions to aid your UN procurement efforts.
Additionally, UNOPS will present their eSourcing platform, used to publish, receive and process all UNOPS tenders around the world. Sitting alongside the UNGM, users are able to view all details regarding UNOPS tenders such as solicitation method, type of requirement, description, deadlines for clarifications and to submit their offer, currency, evaluation method details and criteria, and how and where users can submit their offer.