1-2-1 Matchmaking Meeting Tables
Action Against Hunger
Action Against Hunger

It is Action Against Hunger's goal to save lives by erasing hunger through prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, through neutrality, independence, non-discrimination, free and direct access to people in need, professionalism and transparency. They have 5 strategic goals which are: INCREASE our impact on acute malnutrition by treating and preventing it, mainly in children under five; RESPOND to and prevent humanitarian crises, deal with vulnerability and strengthen the population’s resilience when facing a crisis; CONTINUE to develop partnerships with local, national and international actors, in order to increase the number of beneficiaries and promote their sustainability; DEVELOP our ability to guarantee an effective and efficient response to humanitarian crises; and STAND OUT in the field of political advocacy and become a benchmark in terms of hunger and malnutrition.

Argentina Ministry of Security
Argentina Ministry of Security

The National System for Comprehensive Risk Management (SINAGIR) aims to coordinate and strengthen the capacity of the State and society to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters in Argentina. Through inter-institutional collaboration and joint efforts among national, provincial, municipal, and community organizations, it seeks to protect lives and property from natural hazards. Its mission includes risk management, coordinating federal efforts in emergency response, training in disaster reduction, improving early warning systems, providing humanitarian assistance, and promoting a culture of prevention.

Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
Association of Caribbean States (ACS)

The Association of Caribbean States was formed in 1994 with the key objective of fostering collaboration and promoting concerted action among its 25 member countries, 10 associate countries and 28 observer countries. The ACS is aimed at building upon obvious geographic proximity, shared maritime resources and well-documented historical linkages to provide a forum for opportunities to identify areas of common interest that can and should be addressed at the regional level. Within the ACS, the Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment and the Caribbean Sea serves to foster co-operation among the organizations responsible for disaster planning and relief in the region. This contributes to the prevention and mitigation of risk through incorporating knowledge on prevention, planning and response with respect to the impacts of disasters.

CARPHA - Caribbean Public Health Agency
CARPHA - Caribbean Public Health Agency

CARPHA was established in July, 2011 by an Inter-Governmental Agreement signed by Heads of Caribbean Community Member States and began operations in January 2013. The agency serves 26 Member States (CMS) with a combined population size of 17M. CARPHA provides strong regional leadership, technical cooperation and promotes evidence-based decision making to its Member States as they pursue the goals of the current (fourth) iteration of the Caribbean Cooperation for Health (CCH IV). CARPHA is responsible inter alia for providing strategic direction and analysing, defining and responding to the public health priorities of the Caribbean in order to prevent disease; promote and protect health; and to respond to public health emergencies. Given the disparity in size and resources across the region the principles of solidarity in health have been practiced for several decades, and within this collective system CARPHA has several comparative advantages. This includes mechanisms to work with states and territories in the Caribbean; convening role; development and implementation of health policies, strategies, standards and guidelines; promotion of evidence-based decision making to CMS; and the ability to connect the Region to global experts and technical resources through its various networks and partners.

CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America
CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America

The Executive Secretariat of CEPREDENAC negotiates, advises and manages regional programs, implemented through national fund and international cooperation. The Programs and Projects Portfolio are constantly updated and has been established according to needs and priorities, in consultation with national authorities. CEPREDENAC’s coordination model is based on optimizing resources, fostering Disaster Risk Management institutionalization in all sectors.

Chile SENAPRED - National Service for Disaster Prevention & Response
Chile SENAPRED - National Service for Disaster Prevention & Response

The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED, Spanish acronym) is the technical body of the Chilean State responsible for planning and coordinating public and private resources allocated to the prevention and response to emergencies and disasters. SENAPRED provides national, regional, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as sectoral ministries and civil protection organizations with models and ongoing management plans for the prevention and handling of emergencies, disasters, and catastrophes. Furthermore, in order to fulfil its legal mandate, SENAPRED is tasked with mobilising available resources from both the public and private sectors within the parameters established by the State to prevent or mitigate the potential impact of a risk, emergencies, or catastrophes.

Colombia National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD)
Colombia National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD)

We are the Unit of the Presidency of the Republic that directs, guides and coordinates Disaster Risk Management in Colombia, strengthening the capacities of public, private and community entities, and society in general, with the explicit purpose of contributing to the improvement of people's quality of life and sustainable development, through the knowledge of risk, its reduction and the management of disasters associated with phenomena of natural, socio-natural, technological and unintentional human origin.

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management of Colombia (UNGRD by its initials in Spanish) is a national entity part of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia., based in Bogotá, D.C. The main goal of the UNGRD is to lead the implementation of Disaster Risk Management, while responding to the national Sustainable Development policies, and to coordinate the functioning and continuous development of the National System for Disaster Risk Management. The UNGRD has as part of its main functions to coordinate, promote and strengthen capacities for risk knowledge, risk reduction and disaster management, and to propose and articulate policies, strategies, plans, programs, projects, and national procedures of disaster risk management, in the frame of the National System for Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD created by Law 1523 in 2012). It is the set of public, private and community entities, of policies, regulations, processes, resources, plans, strategies, instruments, mechanisms, as well as information related to the subject, which is applied in an organized manner to guarantee risk management in the country. The SNGRD´s objective is to carry out the social process of risk management to offer protection to the population in the Colombian territory, improve safety, well-being, and quality of life, and contribute to sustainable development.

Dominican Civil Defense
Dominican Civil Defense

The Civil Defense of the Dominican Republic has its origins in a group of radio amateurs who organized themselves to report on weather conditions and local events during emergencies. It was formally established in 1966 with the enactment of Law 257-66 during the government of Héctor García Godoy, creating the Civil Defense Office with national jurisdiction. Its mission is to ensure that operations in the event of disasters such as floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, and other events are adequate to mitigate damage and guarantee the safety, well-being, and protection of life and property. The Civil Defense is based primarily on volunteers, with more than 15,000 active members, and has technical personnel trained in various areas. In addition, it trains personnel from public and private institutions through its National School of Risk Management (ESNAGERI).

El Salvador Directorate General of Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (DGPC)
El Salvador Directorate General of Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (DGPC)

El Salvador’s General Directorate of Civil Protection, Prevention and Mitigation of Disasters (DGPC) main functions include: Prospective Risk Management; Design, standardize and seek approval of standards, programs, plans and projects for analysis, knowledge and disaster risk reduction; training and capacity building for disaster risk management. Reactive Risk Management; Design, execution and evaluation of response, contingency and logistics and humanitarian assistance operations plans to respond to emergencies and disasters. Management of emergencies from the Emergency Operations Centers in regular and complex events. Private management of the institution; Planning, execution and evaluation of operational plans for institutional work, human resources management, management, conduct and evaluation of public investment and national and international cooperation projects. Coordination of the work of the National, Departmental and Municipal Civil Protection commissions, and Coordination of participation at the international level.

European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

The European Commission aims to save and preserve life, prevent and alleviate human suffering and safeguard the integrity and dignity of populations affected by natural disasters and man-made crises. EU assistance, amounting to one of the world's largest, is enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon and supported by EU citizens an as expression of European solidarity with any person or people in need. With its headquarters in Brussels and a global network of field offices, the Commission's European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department ensures rapid and effective delivery of EU relief assistance through its two main instruments: civil protection and humanitarian aid. By bringing the two together under one roof in 2010, the Commission has built up a more robust and effective European mechanism for disaster response both inside and outside the EU.

Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED)
Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED)

The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) was created in 1996, as the entity in charge of preventing, mitigating, attending and participating in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of damages caused by the presence of disasters. Subsequently, the Executive Secretariat of the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (SE-CONRED) was established as the national body legally responsible for the Coordination for Disaster Risk Reduction, and has commitments and responsibilities at the national, regional and global levels. To respond to an emergency or disaster, CONRED launches: Immediate Response Teams (ERI); Emergency Operations Center (COE); Incident Command System (SCI); and Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (EDAN). The Secretary of CONRED, in view of the need to deal with the natural or provoked incidents to which we are exposed, prepares Plans, Prevention Systems and Procedures according to the common incident at a certain time of the year.

Haiti Ministry of Public Health & Population (MSPP)
Haiti Ministry of Public Health & Population (MSPP)

The Ministry of Public Health and Population is the executive body responsible for formulating and implementing the National Public Health policy. Their mission is to guarantee to all citizens without distinction the right to life, to health and to provide them, in all territorial communities, with the appropriate means for the protection, maintenance and restoration of their health. The ministry's main objective is to ensure the reduction of morbidity and mortality, linked to the main identified health problems, from an adequate, efficient, accessible and universal health system.

Health Tech Without Borders (HTWB)
Health Tech Without Borders (HTWB)

When hit with a sudden humanitarian emergency, local communities can be abruptly cut off from basic healthcare. People find themselves disconnected from healthcare professionals, medical institutions, doctors, and other life-saving services, while at the same time, hospitals and clinics face a sudden influx of patients with highly specific and urgent needs. Health Tech Without Borders is a global non-profit organization aiming to mitigate such healthcare crises by leveraging digital tools and technology to provide immediate access to health resources. Health Tech Without Borders acts as an innovative hub that connects companies offering digital tools with experts in medical and psychological care. As a result, the global non-profit organization provides digital health interventions, such as online consultations, remote monitoring, and digital therapeutics. It connects qualified and vetted volunteer clinicians to those wounded by humanitarian disasters, war, or assault, and all human beings in need of medical attention.


Founded in 2010, Help.NGO is an international Non-Governmental Organization specializing in emergency response, preparedness, risk mitigation, and prevention. Registered as a nonprofit in the European Union and possessing a 501c3 equivalency determination with operations across the globe, Help.NGO leverages cutting-edge technological solutions and subject matter expertise to national and international disaster response mechanisms before, during, and after emergencies. With a focus on implementing complex solutions at scale, we encourage the democratization of use and localization of capacity through research and development, training, and the prepositioning of actionable solutions. Help.NGO is currently one of 29 NGO standby partners of the United Nations (UN Department of Safety & Security, UN World Food Programme), with work extending across operational, strategic, and technical aspects of humanitarian and development work. Through the co-development of solutions with private and public sector leaders, we optimize the use of time, resources, and funding in all aspects of our humanitarian and development operations. Drawing on a range of subject matter experts, we help to enable local actors to respond efficiently and effectively across the entire humanitarian development nexus—not only in the wake of an emergency, but throughout the entire disaster life cycle.

Honduras COPECO - Permanent Contingency Commission
Honduras COPECO - Permanent Contingency Commission

COPECO based on the Law of the National Risk Management System ‘SINAGER’ has the mission of coordinating and strengthening the SINAGER, through shared public and private management, aimed at prevention and risk reduction, emergency care, the recovery and adaptation to climate change to guarantee life, the material and environmental goods of the nation.

IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network. Our secretariat supports local Red Cross and Red Crescent action in more than 191 countries, bringing together more than 16 million volunteers for the good of humanity.

IOM - International Organization for Migration
IOM - International Organization for Migration

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the UN Migration Agency. It was established in 1951, and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. With 172 member states, 8 states holding observer status, and Offices in over 100 countries, it works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. IOM participates in the humanitarian responses and offers migration services in emergency and post – crisis situations to assist the needs of individuals and affected communities. It also, provides technical support to improve the conditions of populations affected by the crisis which leads to saving lives through the identification and implementation of comprehensive durable solutions to end displacement. IOM also works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people. IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management: Migration and development / Facilitating migration / Regulating migration / Forced migration. IOM activities that cut across these areas include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

Joint Task Force-Bravo
Joint Task Force-Bravo

Joint Task Force-Bravo is one of three task forces under United States Southern Command, and the only full-time forward deployed operational HQ in Central America. Located at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, JTF-Bravo operates a forward, all-weather day/night C-5-capable air base, organizes multilateral exercises and supports, in cooperation with our partner nations, counter transnational organized crime, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief efforts and the development of partner capacities, to promote regional cooperation and security in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Panama CLRAH - Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance
Panama CLRAH - Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance

The Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance (CLRAH) establishes itself as a logistics platform for humanitarian assistance enabling the facilitation of activities such as, the reception, handling, storage and the redistribution of provisions & equipment, as well as the deployment of human resources, without contravening any other related activity, for efficient humanitarian assistance management against national and international emergencies and hence, fortifying countries of the region. The CLRAH was established to strengthen the response capacities of national civil and humanitarian protection systems whilst promoting professionalism and logistical and humanitarian capabilities in the region.

Panama SINAPROC - National Civil Protection System
Panama SINAPROC - National Civil Protection System

The main goal of the National Civil Protection System of Panama (SINAPROC) is to plan, research, lead, supervise, and organize the policies and actions aimed at assessing the damage that can be caused by natural and anthropogenic disasters. It is responsible for executing disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, intervention and restoration policies and plans, and oversees all risk management actions based on territorial vulnerability. Its objectives also include: Incorporate risk management in operational & development plans; Promote citizen participation in the risk management process; Guarantee timely and effective interventions for the population in the event of emergencies or disasters; and Channel resources to support the development of risk management plans, programs and projects.

Regional Security System (RSS)
Regional Security System (RSS)

The Regional Security System was created out of a need for a collective response to security threats, which were impacting the stability of the Caribbean Region in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The RSS is a Seven-Nation alliance comprising Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, The Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Treaty establishing the RSS was signed at St. George’s, Grenada on 5 March 1996, thus giving The System has the status of an international organisation and enjoys legal personality. Throughout the region, the RSS provides advice, technical and administrative support to the Governments of the Member States in the areas of border security, strengthening security institutions, improving internal security, and reducing the impact of environmental hazards and man-made disasters. Furthermore, as a premier provider of capacity building initiatives, the RSS delivers programmes to increase security awareness and to reduce the opportunity for, and the incidence and impact of, threats to the safety and security of the region. It is believed that as a result of the expansionary process, RSS will make greater and more valuable contributions to the regional and international security.

Save the Children
Save the Children

Save the Children is the world’s first and leading independent children’s organization – transforming lives and the future we share. We’re proud to work with children, their communities, and our partners worldwide, discovering new solutions to help ensure that the world's most vulnerable children survive, learn, and are protected. Every year, we reach tens of millions of children in more than 110 countries through our life-changing work. Save the Children International believes every child deserves a future. In Latin America and the Caribbean, and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. Since Save the Children was founded 100 years ago, we have been committed to ensuring all children's rights are recognized. We promote change from the ground up by engaging children, their families, and their communities. Together with children, we work with governments and international organizations to ensure children's rights are on the political agenda. We hold leaders to account for the commitments they have made, ensuring systems are in place to protect and provide for all children.

St. Lucia National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO)
St. Lucia National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO)

The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) in Saint Lucia is a collection of Government, Non Government, Faith Based Organisations, Civic Society and many others collectively responsible for having the Nation in a state of preparedness in case of an emergency; also for responding to the needs of the Nation after a disaster and co-ordinating the response at local, regional and international levels. During an event NEMO is part of a larger network that comes into existence to respond to a disaster. The NEMO comprises several Governmental Organisations responsible for response and recovery activities that not necessarily chair any Disaster Committee; we will mention here: The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force, the Fire Service and the Saint Lucia Air and Seaports Authority. The Disaster Management System of Saint Lucia is a three tiered one: NATIONAL – National Emergency Management Advisory Committee, COMMITTEES - National and District Disaster Committees, and Coordinating Unit - NEMO Secretariat.

Ukraine Children
Ukraine Children's Action Project (UCAP)

UCAP (Ukraine Children's Action Project), co-founded in May 2022 by Dr. Irwin Redlener and Karen Redlener, supports programs that help children cope with severe trauma, prolonged educational disruption, access to specialized pediatric care and humanitarian needs. In addition, UCAP is interested in organizations and strategies that increase awareness among Americans of the ongoing plight of Ukraine’s children, both presently and what may be anticipated in the post-war recovery of Ukraine. UCAP’s central focus is on the estimated 5 million Ukrainian children who are displaced from front-line conflict regions, relocating both within the country, as well as those among the diaspora refugees living in other countries since the invasion.

UN FAO Subregional Office for Mesoamerica
UN FAO Subregional Office for Mesoamerica

Located in Panama City since 2007, the Subregional Office liaises with FAO's National Representatives in the Subregion, coordinates implementation of regional projects and provides technical support to Governments through local rural development approaches. SLM is working to foster partnerships with various United Nations System Agencies, particularly the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is developing synergies designed to enhance impact through joint programmes. It has also developed partnerships with both the public and private sectors, and has reached significant agreements with subregional research centres as well as with other regional interlocutors concerned with individual Government perspectives.

UNICEF - UN Children
UNICEF - UN Children's Fund

UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Together with our partners, we work to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere. The UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, guided by the SDGs and located in Panama City, coordinates and supervises the work of UNICEF in 36 countries and territories through 24 national country programs to promote the rights and well-being of all children and adolescents in the region. It also advocates to promote investment and public policies focused on children and adolescents, developing regional alliances to achieve the objectives defined in the Regional Operational Management Plan 2018-2021.

UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OCHA has had a presence in Latin America and the Caribbean since 2003 and currently maintains a presence in 12 countries in the region with a regional office in Panama; countries offices in Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela; Humanitarian Advisory Teams (HATs) in Barbados, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru; and regional support stationed in Mexico and Bolivia. Humanitarian Advisory Teams are a key component of OCHA's presence in the region, allowing for greater preparedness and localized response capacity and supporting the development of key operational alliances at the country level. The OCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) coordinates the Regional Group on Risks, Emergencies and Disasters for Latin America and the Caribbean (REDLAC), a regional inter-institutional platform that facilitates a more coherent preparation and response to emergencies from the regional to the global level and to the national level. Through a sectoral group or cluster system approach, it facilitates the understanding and development of appropriate mechanisms when responding to emergencies.

USSOUTHCOM | Department of Defense
USSOUTHCOM | Department of Defense

SOUTHCOM is responsible for providing contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation in its assigned Area of Responsibility which includes Central America, South America, and The Caribbean (except U.S. commonwealths, territories, and possessions). The command is also responsible for the force protection of U.S. military resources at these locations. SOUTHCOM is also responsible for ensuring the defense of the Panama Canal. Under the leadership of a four-star commander, SOUTHCOM's staff is organized into directorates, component commands and Security Cooperation Organizations that represent SOUTHCOM in the region. SOUTHCOM is a joint command comprised of more than 1,200 military and civilian personnel representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and several other federal agencies. The services provide SOUTHCOM with component commands which, along with our Joint Special Operations component, two Joint Task Forces, one Joint Interagency Task Force, and Security Cooperation Organizations, perform SOUTHCOM missions and security cooperation activities. SOUTHCOM exercises its Combatant Command authority through the commanders of its components, Joint Task Forces/Joint Interagency Task Force, and Security Cooperation Organizations.

WFP - World Food Programme
WFP - World Food Programme

Assisting 86.7 million people in around 83 countries each year, the World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. As the international community has committed to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030, one in nine people worldwide still do not have enough to eat. Food and food-related assistance lie at the heart of the struggle to break the cycle of hunger and poverty. Two-thirds of WFP’s work is in conflict-affected countries where people are three times more likely to be undernourished than those living in countries without conflict. However, recognizing the level of development in the Latin America and Caribbean region, WFP’s emphasis is largely on strengthening countries’ capacities. First to reduce the risk of disasters through stronger emergency preparedness mechanisms at community, sub-national, national and regional levels; then to strengthen community resilience to shocks and enhance communities and systems ability to adapt to climate change; and finally, to ensure social protection systems are responsive to shocks to address timely and effectively growing food insecurity and malnutrition in times of crisis.

World Vision LAC
World Vision LAC

World Vision is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
