Conference Chair
Rogerio Mobilia Silva
Deputy Head of Regional Office for Latin America & the Caribbean (ROLAC)
UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Mr. Mobilia was appointed as the Deputy Head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) in 2019. Prior to this, he led the Information Services Unit since 2007, accumulating extensive experience in information management, communication technology, and human relations in crisis contexts. He also played a crucial role in leading the regional office during the COVID-19 pandemic and recently spearheading the continuity plan for the Turkey and Syria cross-border operation.

Holding a degree in Systems Technology Engineering with a specialization in human relations, Mr. Mobilia has over 27 years of experience in crisis management and major operations with the United Nations and additional years in the private sector. Throughout his humanitarian career, he has worked with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in various regions, including Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. MR. Mobilia’s work primarily focuses on leadership, crisis management and expands to automation and technology, communication, information management, and coordinating responses during complex crises or emergencies caused by natural phenomena or complex crisis. He has led OCHA and other international specialized teams in supporting emergency responses and has facilitated and participated in numerous international forums, engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders from political to technical themes.

Keynote Speakers
Adherbal De La Rosa
Executive Secretary
CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America

Mr. Adherbal De La Rosa is an emergency and disaster management expert. Currently serving as Executive Secretary of the Coordination Center for Disaster Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic (CEPREDENAC), for the period of 2024-2029. Adherbal served as Director of the Technical Secretariat of the Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Cabinet of the Ministry of Government, Panama for 4 years and has played key roles in the National Civil Protection System - SINAPROC, including the position of Deputy Director and Director until March 2024. He has a strong background in urban rescue, USAR team coordination, and emergency coordination center management. He has served as a delegate for the American Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on international missions, including the response to the Haiti earthquake in 2010 and the Iquitos, Peru, floods in 2012. With more than a decade of experience in the Panamanian Red Cross, Adherbal has coordinated comprehensive risk management projects and directed the National Training School for First Responders. Mr. De La Rosa Toullier has also stood out as deputy leader of the USAR Panama team in the earthquakes in Ecuador and Mexico.
Dr. Irwin Redlener
UCAP Co-Founder
Ukraine Children's Action Project (UCAP) & Columbia University

Irwin Redlener, M.D. is Co-Founder, with Karen Redlener, of the Ukraine Children's Action Project. At Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs he serves as adjunct research scholar and founding Director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness. He is also co-founder of the Children's Health Fund and a clinical professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is the Author of Americans at Risk and The Future of Us.

Workshop Hosts
Stefano Riera
Americas Operational Procurement Manager
IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies

Stefano embarked on his journey with IFRC as a Procurement Intern in 2005. This pivotal experience steered his career towards the Humanitarian Sector. Subsequently, he became part of the IFRC team, participating in operations across Africa, Asia, the Society's headquarters in Geneva, and the Americas, including the Haiti Earthquake Operation. With over 17 years of dedicated experience in Humanitarian Supply Chain, Stefano holds a university degree in International Business and Logistics, along with a Master's degree in Operations Management.

Stefano hosts Tuesday's IFRC Supplier Workshop.
Marbeth Velasquez (virtual)
Supply Chain Manager - WV Venezuela
World Vision LAC

Marbeth hosts Tuesday's World Vision Supply Chain Management Workshop.

David Greene (virtual)
Ag. Director Exercise & Coalition Directorate
USSOUTHCOM | Department of Defense

Mr. Greene (Trini) is a graduate of the Department of Defense (DOD) Senior Leadership Development Program (DSLDP) cohort 2017, and a graduate of the National Defense University, Dwight D. Eisenhower School; Senior Service College (SSC) for National Security and Resource Strategy. Mr. Greene now serves as the Deputy Director J7/9 Directorate. Prior to his current position, Mr. Greene served as the Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Program Manager overseeing a $22M budget responsible for integrating HA operations in support of USSOUTHCOM Campaign Plan. Prior to USSOUTHCOM, Mr. Greene served as Director of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, BASOPS Division in Kaiserslautern, Germany. In this capacity, Mr. Greene oversaw a $150M budget and supervised a diverse staff of 159 individuals comprising of military, foreign nationals, contractors, and civil service employees located in Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. As the Director, he led and managed a broad range of logistical policy and planning programs in support of U.S. Army Europe and Africa.
Ignacio Cabello
Director of Support,SINAGIR (National System for Comprehensive Risk Management & Civil Protection)
Argentina Ministry of Security

Ignacio Cabello is a public official with extensive experience in risk management, social development, and public administration. As Director of Support at SINAGIR, he coordinates efforts across national, provincial, and municipal levels to strengthen disaster prevention, response, and recovery. Previously, he held leadership roles in the Social Development Secretariat of Vicente López, leading initiatives in youth inclusion, public awareness, and local governance. He is currently completing his law degree at Universidad Siglo XXI, holds diplomas in public management from Universidad San Andrés and Universidad San Isidro, and has participated in national and international seminars on civil protection and complex emergencies. His career reflects a strong commitment to public safety, risk reduction, and sustainable development of communities.
Kenisha Jeffrey-Isembert
St. Lucia National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO)

Kenisha Jeffrey-Isembert is a dynamic and transformational leader and disaster management and resilience specialist. Mrs. Jeffrey-Isembert is the Director of the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO). As the Director of NEMO, Kenisha, works assiduously to coordinate the policies and programmes of the government of St. Lucia which are aimed at preventing, mitigating and relieving the impacts of disasters and emergencies on its people. Prior to her current post Kenisha worked as a Programme Development Officer for three years at NEMO and a Leading Fire Officer with the Saint Lucia Fire Service where she served for fourteen years. Kenisha is a proud recipient of the prestigious Chevening Scholarship which she used to attain a Masters of Science in Disaster Management and Resilience with Merit at Coventry University in England, UK. Kenisha also holds a Master of Science in Public Sector Management with Distinction from The University of the West Indies, a Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Management with Magna Cum Laude from Monroe College, and a Diploma in Global Leadership with Distinction from Coventry University.
Nahuel Arenas
Chief - Americas & Caribbean
UNDRR - UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Mr. Nahuel Arenas Garcia has been Chief of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean since 2023. He had served as the Deputy Chief of UNDRR ROAC since 2017 and brings more than 20 years of experience leading humanitarian, Disaster Risk Reduction and development cooperation programs in different countries in Latin America & Caribbean, Africa and the Asia Pacific region. During the last 20 years, he has led humanitarian assistance interventions, DRR programming and development cooperation in different countries in Latin America & Caribbean, Africa and Asia Pacific. Before joining UNDRR, Nahuel occupied the position of Director for Humanitarian Programs and Policy for OXFAM USA. He has also worked for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Action Against Hunger (ACF), consulted for UN-Habitat leading learning processes around DRR programming and contributed to many academic programs including the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Course: Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disasters. He has a background in Public Policy (FLACSO) and International Politics (SOAS, University of London) as well as degrees in Crisis Management (Universidad Complutense of Madrid).
Dr. Daniela D'urso
Head - Disaster Preparedness Programme (DP)
European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

Luis Amaya
Director General
El Salvador Directorate General of Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (DGPC)

Luis Alonso Amaya Durán holds a Master’s degree in Climate Change and Territorial Development Management, and a Bachelor’s in Nursing. He also possesses a Diploma in Disaster Preparedness and Response; in Risk Management and Public Investment; Emergency Health Administration and Climate Change, and implications for Security and Defense. He is an Alumni of the William J. Perry Center at the National Defense University in Washington and the Kobe Institute for Human Renewal. In 30 years of working life, Mr. Amaya has worked as an emergency nurse, emergency management technician, in humanitarian assistance logistics support, design, execution and evaluation of emergency response plans and disaster risk management. Since 2021, he has been the Director General of Civil Protection of El Salvador, has experience in consulting related to emergency preparedness and response, humanitarian logistics, and is a member of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team (UNDAC).
Nora Guerten
Anticipatory Action Advisor
WFP - World Food Programme

Nora is the Regional Anticipatory Action Advisor of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Latin America and the Caribbean. She focuses on the set-up of anticipatory action systems, including early warning triggers and anticipatory action selection, as well as capacity building and support to institutionalisation. Prior to joining WFP, Nora worked as Anticipatory Action Specialist with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Italy, as Climate Risk Management Specialist with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Panama, and the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT/CGIAR) in Vietnam and Colombia. She also worked with NGOs in the UK and India to mitigate flood and storm impacts, among others. Nora holds a master’s degree in climate change and risk management from the University of Exeter, UK.
Paulo N C Nacif
Regional Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs Director
World Vision LAC

Graduated in Public Administration with a focus on Public Policy, Paulo worked on the complexity of the public policy agenda, project management, human rights policies, and innovation, working at the Government Secretariat of the Penitentiary Administration of Maranhao State, Brazil. Then, answering the call of the Humanitarian Imperative, Paulo joined humanitarian affairs and emergency responses in 2018, with the outbreak of the Venezuelan Migrant Crisis, leading the food security, distribution, infrastructure, and logistics of one of the shelters established at the edge of the country. The journey within World Vision began by leading the WASH sector in the emergency response to the pandemic in Brazil. Paulo then contributed as HEA Director of the Brazil country office. In addition to a brief deployment as Ukraine Crisis Response (UCR) Project Manager in 2022, Paulo became Director of UCR Romania Operations in February 2023. Overall response oversight was accompanied by external engagement and support to multinational strategies. With trainings such as LAC RDMT, GC OMGE, HEAT, Crisis Leadership Program, Project Management for Development, Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disasters, Paulo is a fruit of the institution's investment and advocates for the development of its teams and capacities as crucial for impactful work.
Dr. Garnel Michel
Head of Cabinet to the Minister of Health
Haiti Ministry of Public Health & Population (MSPP)

Garnel Michel is a doctor by training, with a specialty in community medicine, and advanced training in Field Epidemiology (FETP), Risk and Disaster Management (DRM), and Occupational Stress Management. Expert in International Health, and Emergency Public Health. Aside from the public sector, he has worked either as Resident in Social Service, as Service Doctor, Head of Service, up to Director of the National Ambulance Center (CAN), and Head of Cabinet at the Secretariat of State for Population (SEP), either as Chargé de Mission that he is still at the Ministry of Public Health and Population. Dr. Michel is also involved in the humanitarian sector, especially with the BEBE Foundation (Well-Being for the Benefit of Children) of which he is one of the founding members and the current Executive Director. He is also a member of the Governing Council of the Haitian Red Cross, and one of the founders and Special Advisor to IDESAH (Initiative for Health Development in Haiti). Dynamic, motivated, versatile and proactive, he currently serves as the Head of Cabinet to the Minister of Health.
Keisha Linton
Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator
Regional Security System (RSS)

A multi-skilled young professional with a diverse background in international relations and disaster risk management, who holds a BSc in International Relations from the UWI Mona and an MSc in Risk Crisis and Disaster Management from the University of Leicester in the UK. With almost ten years in the disaster management arena, Keisha has worked with organizations geared to improving disaster risk management in the region including PAHO, CDEMA, UNDP and currently, the RSS HQ. Given the area in which she works, she is also skilled in emergency preparedness and response, as well as business continuity and stakeholder engagement, but most notably Civil-Military relations. One of Keisha's favourite past-times is engaging in gastronomical experiences, so you can always find her enjoying a meal at a local restaurant.
Dr. Laura-Lee Boodram
Head CR-FELTP; Assistant Director Surveillance (a.g.)
CARPHA - Caribbean Public Health Agency

Dr. Laura-Lee Boodram is the current Head of the Caribbean Field Epidemiology & Laboratory Training Programme (CR-FELTP) at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). The Agency provides technical cooperation in public health capacity building and laboratory reference services to 26 Member States in the Caribbean. Dr. Boodram holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of the West Indies and an MSc in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London. Her primary work centers around multidisciplinary training initiatives for public health workforce development, infectious disease epidemiology, the effects of climate change on health and disaster risk management. She served previously as the Molecular Biologist at the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre, applying molecular diagnostic tools for laboratory surveillance of public health priority diseases. Dr. Boodram also has had responsibility for the Vector Borne Diseases department at CARPHA. She works with regional and international stakeholders on various strategies to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with mosquito and other vector borne diseases and heat related illnesses, through the development of climate integrated early warning systems. As part of CARPHA’s Emergency response team, Dr. Boodram also trains personnel for rapid response deployment in the event of health emergencies and disaster situations.
COL Daniel (Dan) Alder
Joint Task Force-Bravo

Colonel Daniel C. Alder is the Joint Task Force-Bravo Commander. In his previous assignment, he served as the J5 Plans Director and then as the Deputy Commander at Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR). Prior to his arrival at SOCEUR, Col. Alder attended and graduated from the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA with a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies. Prior to Senior Service College, he was assigned to the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, where he served as Executive Officer to the Commanding General. Previous command assignments include service as an Infantry Rifle Platoon Leader, Scout Platoon Leader, Special Forces Detachment Commander, Special Forces Company Commander and Special Forces Battalion Commander of 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group. COL Alder holds a Master of Science from the American Military University.
Holda Alvarez de Marré
Executive Director
Panama CLRAH - Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance

Holda Alvarez de Marré, a lawyer specialized in civil, commercial, immigration and family matters, graduated from the University of Santa María La Antigua, has distinguished herself in the international sector, holding important positions in the public and international sector. Promoting and developing important legislations on health and education for the Republic of Panama. Holda has also promoted and developed public procurement regulations in government agencies and participated in the design and implementation of action plans against drugs, as well as on refugees related issues. Currently, Mrs. Alvarez de Marré is the Executive Director of the Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance, the first woman to hold this position.
Omar Smith Gallardo
Director General
Panama SINAPROC - National Civil Protection System

Mr. Omar Smith Gallardo is a Risk Management Professional specializing in prevention, safety, emergency preparedness, and disaster response, with over 25 years of experience. This includes but is not limited to rescue operations, search and recovery, emergency preparedness and response planning, inter-institutional coordination, and risk management consulting in the development of National Emergency and Disaster Response Plans - SINAPROC, Risk Prevention Manuals in Hard-to-Reach Areas for Teachers - SINAPROC-MEDUCA (Ministry of Education), Emergency Operations Centers (COE) - CEPREDENAC, and the Emergency Operations Center Operations Manual - SINAPROC – CEPREDENAC. Mr. Smith led the team responsible for establishing the Regional Operations Center in Colón, and has served as a Health and Environmental Safety Coordinator and Supervisor. Additionally consulting on Wilderness Safety in Hiking and Kayaking. Mr. Smith has also served as a University lecturer at Universidad Especializada de las Américas, teaching courses for Medical Emergency and Disaster Technicians, and Bachelor's Degree students.
Edy Ruiz
Director of Logistics
Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED)

Edy Rolando Ruíz manages both the technical and operational areas, overseeing a total of five departments. In the technical area, he leads the IT Department, the Telecommunications Department, and the Geographic Information Systems Department. In the operational area, he supervises the Warehouse Department and the Transportation Department, coordinating projects and implementing solutions for the institution. For the past nine years, he has served as the Logistics Director of CONRED Guatemala, accumulating 16 years of experience in Disaster management with a focus on information management. Mr. Ruiz has been a key advocate for the institution's open data platform and has led projects aimed at optimizing the supply chain for humanitarian assistance, ensuring transparency throughout the process by leveraging technological tools. Mr. Ruiz holds a master's degree in public administration and government, is an Industrial Engineer, and has earned diplomas in Health and Industrial Safety, Project Preparation and Evaluation, and Supply Chain Management.
Gabriela Cifuentes
Supply Chain Business Partner Senior Manager LAC
Save the Children

Gabriela Cifuentes is the Supply Chain Business Partner Senior Manager LAC at Save the Children International, working to drive supply chain efficiency in all Latin American countries, supporting humanitarian supply chain preparedness and complex responses in the region. Before Save the Children, she contributed significantly to organizations such as WORLD VISION, USAID, GLOBAL FUND, and UNOPS in the UNITED NATIONS, with extensive experience in the Supply Chain and Management Sector. She holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations with specialization in International Organizations and Foreign Trade, as well as a master's degree in Customs and International Trade Management, she is also professor at the Panamerican Business School and is based in Guatemala.
Stephany Murillo
Manager - Logistics Unit
IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies

Stephany is a distinguished professional currently serving as the Regional Logistics Manager for the Americas at IFRC. With over 13 years of experience in humanitarian supply chain management, she holds a Master's degree in Supply Chain Management. Since joining IFRC in 2010, she has played a key role in responding to complex operations in various regions, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Her extensive knowledge and commitment make her a valuable contributor to the IFRC team.
Brendan Harvey
Executive Director

Brendan Harvey is the Executive Director of Help.NGO. Founded in 2010, Help.NGO is an international Non-Governmental Organization specializing in emergency response, preparedness, risk mitigation, and prevention. Help.NGO works to increase the capacity of national and international organizations through strategic guidance, training, and technical expertise that enables local actors to respond efficiently and effectively to a variety of crises. With global hubs in the United States, Europe (Gdansk, Poland), and Asia/Pacific (Manila, Philippines) and operations across the globe, Help.NGO leverages cutting-edge technical solutions and subject matter expertise to improve national and international disaster response mechanisms. Since beginning as a volunteer with Help.NGO in 2010, Brendan has responded to over 15 crises on 5 continents. He received a BA in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, an MPhil in Philosophy from the Centre for Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP), Kingston University, and an international diploma in humanitarian assistance (IDHA) from Fordham University. He was born, raised, and currently lives in New York City.
Dana Yaari
Emergency Response Team Lead
Emergency Response Team by Foundation

Dana Yaari is the Emergency Response Team Lead at the Foundation, where her and the team connect disaster response humanitarian aid organizations to the digital tools they need to save critical time and resources. Previously, after switching gears from a decade-long career in investment banking, she worked in disaster zones across the world, supporting vulnerable communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Donna Bethea-Murphy
Regulatory & Services Working Group Co-Chair

Donna Bethea-Murphy is Senior Vice President of Global Regulatory for Viasat, previously Inmarsat. In this capacity she leads the company’s telecommunications and development regulatory policy activities. She has been appointed to the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Technical Advisory Committee, and National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s CSMAC and is a Focal Point on the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. She was previously Chair of the FCC CSRIC Working Group on Satellite Cyber Guidelines, as well as past Chair of the USITUA Board. She served as Vice Chair and Founding Member of the ITU Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiative Board.

Preceding Inmarsat, Ms. Bethea-Murphy was Vice President of Regulatory for Iridium where she led all of the company's global regulatory activities, including those related to policy, standards, licensing, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and spectrum. She was previously Senior Director of Spectrum Policy at PanAmSat Corporation. Prior to joining PanAmSat, she was Director of Technology and Regulatory Affairs for AirTouch Communications, where she developed and implemented technical regulatory policy for terrestrial wireless services. Prior to her position at AirTouch, she was responsible for international and domestic spectrum policy at the FCC. She holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Clemson University.
Juan Cesario Sala Rosario
Executive Director
Dominican Civil Defense

Dr. Mary Showstark
Chief Liaison Officer
Health Tech Without Borders (HTWB)

Mary Showstark is a Physician Associate/Assistant (PA), an Assistant Professor at Yale University and an affiliate faculty member of the Yale Institute of Global Health. Showstark is involved in growing the healthcare workforce for the PA profession globally and currently works with World Continuing Education Alliance. She is also Chief Liaison Officer to Health Tech Without Borders and holds a PhD in Security and Intelligence Studies from the University of Buckingham. Mary Showstark is a physician associate with clinical experience in trauma surgery, emergency medicine, urgent care, disaster preparedness and response, wilderness, event, and mass gathering medicine. She has extensive experience with online education, group learning, organizational culture, and utilization of extended reality and artificial intelligence. She is also a consultant for the World Bank specializing in disaster, health, and climate.