ADR2023 Agenda
Tuesday 21 February
Marriott Panama Hotel
14:30 - 19:00
ADR2023 Pre-Registration
Participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass (business card required). Sponsors are asked to setup their exhibition booths from 4pm onwards. The ADR registration desk will remain open all afternoon for those attending the afternoon workshops etc.
16:30 - 18:00
The need for a database of local suppliers for States and International Organizations in an emergency situation.
The Council of Representatives of CEPREDENAC looks to consolidate the Regional Humanitarian Assistance Mechanism (MEC-REG/SICA), through initiatives linked to the operational technical response in the field. The new version of the MEC-REG/SICA, has been updated in 2023, as mandated by the Central American Integration System (SICA) on June 24, 2021. The updating axis of this new Regional Mechanism focuses on streamlining customs processes during land, sea and air transit in emergency situations, as well as structuring a database of regional suppliers, previously validated, who have the ability to position the requirements of countries and international organizations in the shortest possible time, during an emergency, disaster or calamity situation.
CEPREDENAC's ADR2023 Workshop will publicize the coordination processes of humanitarian assistance in the SICA region, present the Regional Humanitarian Assistance Mechanism (MEC-REG/SICA) App and the regional computer system that operates it, and publicize the registration bases of regional providers for the new administrative module, including initial supplier registrations and validation phases.
Claudia Herrera, Executive Secretary of CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America
19:00 - 21:00
Evening Networking Reception - Lobby Bar
ADR2023 participants may meet at the Marriott Panama Hotel Lobby Bar for an 'ice-breaker' Networking Reception to discuss the two days ahead in a relaxed and informal setting, whilst enjoying a range of canapés and refreshments. An ideal opportunity for Panel Chairs to also connect with their fellow panellists.
Wednesday 22 February
Colon Room, Marriott Panama Hotel
8:00 - 8:50
Networking Registration
ADR2023 participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass whilst networking and enjoying tea & coffee (business card required).
Headsets will also be available for simultaneous English-Spanish translation.
8:50 - 9:10
Opening Ceremony
Andrew Dowell, Managing Director of PNYX
Ronald Hugh Jackson, Head of the Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Team (DRT) for Building Resilience of UNDP - UN Development Programme and CONFERENCE CHAIR
9:10 - 9:25
Opening Keynote Address
Claudia Herrera, Executive Secretary of CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America
9:25 - 10:20
Panel 1: Global Impact of Economy
ADR2023’s opening panel discusses what many view as unprecedented times; a global cost of living and energy crisis, continued supply shocks, the conflict in Ukraine, and wide-spread striking/protests, all exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, has once again led to an increased polarization between the rich and poor on a global scale, and sadly, an increase in vulnerability. Panellists look at the social wellbeing, environmental, and economic impact of such pressures across the region, considering its need to plan (spend in advance) and diversify around the disasters it regularly faces. At a time where everyone is competing so fiercely for resources, be that finance, personnel, supplies and equipment, technology etc., how does the region ensure its ‘internal’ development efforts are sound and sustainable, considering the ‘external’ hazards it so often encounters?
Panel Chair: Iria González Chaves, Regional Network Coordination Officer for Latin America & the Caribbean of Connecting Business initiative (CBi) OCHA - UNDP
Gines Suarez, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
H.E. Rodolfo Sabonge, Secretary General of Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
Roger Alonso Morgui, Americas Regional Head for Health, Disasters, Climate & Crises of IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
10:10 - 10:20
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
10:20 - 10:40
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
10:40 - 10:50
Keynote Address
H.E. Rodolfo Sabonge, Secretary General of Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
10:50 - 11:50
Panel 2: DRR & Preparedness
Panel two looks at risk analysis and the balance between risks and risk reduction. Given the ever-changing needs of the region’s population and landscape, how do actors identify, measure, and mitigate various risk exposures whilst improving efficiencies through coordination and partnerships (what is the private sector’s role?), at the same time as making the most of investment opportunities i.e., ‘spend to save’? Crucially, how does the region take improvements forward and build capacity through knowledge transfer opportunities?
Panel Chair: Billy Tress-Roig, Director for Caribbean Operations of Ceres Environmental Services, Inc.
Ana Leticia Ramirez Cuevas, Director - Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment & the Caribbean Sea of Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
Arlen Martinez Ortiz, Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator of Action Against Hunger - Central America Mission
Corentin Cartuyvels, Head of Emergency Response & Preparedness Unit for LAC of WFP - World Food Programme
Dave Nichols, Global Ambassador and Response Team of ShelterBox
Eduardo Gutiérrez, Technical Coordinator of USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)
11:40 - 11:50
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
11:50 - 12:10
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
12:10 - 13:10
Panel 3: Response, Health Emergencies & Recovery
Panel three tackles yet more demanding topics, discussing the challenges across regional differences, expanding populations and displacement, the demands of future development, and community empowerment. How do we make the most of both local networks and private sector support, including supplies, expertise, shelters and temporary hospitals etc., whilst balancing speed and sustainability with safety? Panellists also examine universal, affordable, and sustainable access to WASH as a key public health issue, not only its direct impact on livelihoods (life expectancy, student learning, gender equality etc.) but also its significant impact on recovery and rehabilitation. Lastly the panel discusses data, consistency and reliability, and integration and management with regards to the impact of health information systems across the region.
Panel Chair: Craig Ball, Sales Director of Butyl Products Group & Logistica Humanitaria
Emily Schmidt, Disaster Response Manager of Heart to Heart International
Dr. Garnel Michel (virtual), Coordinator of the Medical Coordination & Information Cells (CICOM) of Haiti Ministry of Health (MOH)
Keisha Linton, Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator of Regional Security System (RSS)
Reis López Rello, Climate Change Advisor of Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office, UNICEF - UN Children's Fund
13:00 - 13:10
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
13:10 - 14:30
Networking Lunch Break
14:30 - 17:00
Disaster Relief Public-Private Sector Matchmaking Meetings
Afternoon session devoted to introductory 15-minute 1-2-1 matchmaking meetings between Government, UN, Disaster Agency and NGO stakeholders, and attending local, regional and global operators. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique opportunity to discuss disaster reduction, response and relief solutions across the Americas & Caribbean region.
18:30 - 19:00
Event Dinner - Transport
For those that require it, transport is included with an ADR2023 Event Dinner Ticket (please confirm at the on-site PNYX registration desk). Transport will depart from the Marriott Panama Hotel Lobby at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start, returning back to the Hotel at approx. 10pm.
19:00 - 22:00
Event Dinner - Canal House Panama
ADR2023 participants are invited to join us for an informal Event Dinner, to experience the food, ambience and entertainment Panama City has to offer. A relaxed evening of further networking and discussion whilst enjoying refreshments and great food! For more information, please contact a member of the PNYX team.
Thursday 23 February
Colon Room, Marriott Panama Hotel
8:30 - 8:50
Networking Registration
If not already done so, ADR2023 participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass whilst networking and enjoying tea & coffee (business card required).
Headsets will also be available for simultaneous English-Spanish translation.
8:50 - 9:00
Day Two Welcoming Remarks
Ronald Hugh Jackson, Head of the Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Team (DRT) for Building Resilience of UNDP - UN Development Programme and CONFERENCE CHAIR
9:00 - 10:20
Mesoamerica Session
Geographic data in a regional system that monitors disaster risks and supports decision-making in Mesoamerican countries: the RMGIR experience.
The Mesoamerica Integration & Development Project presents its "Mesoamerican Network for Comprehensive Risk Management (RMGIR)", a web-based tool with over 1,244 layers of geospatial information available for governments, private sector, Academia, CSOs, citizens and many other different actors that enables information exchange on climatic events, threats, vulnerabilities and risks, as well as demographic data, such as number of men, women and children living in a specific area or school locations.
Mesoamerica Project will display different platform uses.
Dr. Lidia Fromm Cea, Executive Director of Mesoamerica Integration & Development Project
Act. Gloria Sandoval Salas, General Director for Project Execution Abroad of Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
Edwin Cuevas Rodriguez, Diplomat of Panama Ministry of Foreign Affairs
10:20 - 10:40
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
10:40 - 11:50
Panel 4: Regional International Support & Coordination
Sadly, the occurrence and in most instances, severity of natural disasters show no signs of slowing. Low-income and developing nations are often hardest hit, mortality rates are typically higher, and they are more likely to live in hazard-prone areas. Drawing on personal experiences, panellists delve into lessons learnt from historical international support, whilst discussing opportunities for strategical and coordinated improvements moving forward.
Panel Chair: Prakash Veenam, CEO of Maternova Inc.
Act. Gloria Sandoval Salas, General Director for Project Execution Abroad of Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
Jean Philippe Antolin, Snr Regional Emergency & Post Crisis Advisor - LAC of IOM - International Organization for Migration
Joao Diniz, Regional Leader for Latin America & the Caribbean of World Vision International
Kevin J. Bostick, Director - Exercises & Coalition Affairs (J7/9) of SOUTHCOM - U.S. Southern Command
COL Andrew Baker, Director - J3 Operations of Joint Task Force-Bravo
11:40 - 11:50
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
11:50 - 12:10
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
12:10 - 12:25
Spotlight Address - Haiti Ministry of Health
Marcus Cadet, Director of the National Unit for the Management of Health Emergencies of Haiti Ministry of Health (MOH)
12:25 - 13:20
Panel 5: Technology & Logistics
Effective logistics and advanced technologies empower and enable, they also offer greater security and efficiency however, standardisation and affordability remain key requirements especially when considering the wide-ranging operational differences and challenges of actors across the region. Panellists assess the needs of future technologies in order to enhance not only the movement of aid and personal, but also data and the coordination required between parties. Lastly, the panel looks at the ever-increasing demands of supply chains and how technology can help reduce its economic impact on the region.
Panel Chair: Barry Koperberg, General Manager of Wings for Aid
Alberto Sierra, Executive Director of CLRAH - Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance; Panama
Francisco Quesada, UNHRD Manager of UNHRD - UN Humanitarian Response Depot / WFP
Mauricio Bustamante, Americas Regional Head of Global Supply Chain & Humanitarian Services of IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
13:10 - 13:20
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
13:20 - 14:30
Networking Lunch Break
14:30 - 15:25
Panel 6: Resilient Infrastructure & Development
Traditionally, resilience refers to ‘building back better’, and the need to incentivise investment in infrastructure that is durable to risk. However, as we take a broader view, considering the relationships & collaborations available to us, panellists discuss a shift in focus, to building resilience within the development sector e.g., protective infrastructure, environmental management, and upgrading informal settlements, before disaster risk exceeds the resources and capacities of future generations to adapt and recover. Panellists also discuss critical infrastructure and utilities such as transport, power and particularly communications networks which offer the most essential form of support, with a view to harnessing the benefits of advanced forecasting and climate-friendly solutions yet, retaining accessibility and privacy issues with information sharing etc.
Panel Chair: Dora Mejia, VP Sales EEM LATAM of Speedcast
Andres Cruz, Caribbean Disaster Risk Reduction & Response Program Manager of Habitat for Humanity International
Eduardo Velez, Coordinator of Prevention & Response of CEPREDENAC - Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America
Rogerio Mobilia Silva, Deputy Head of Regional Office for Latin America & the Caribbean (ROLAC) of UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ronald Hugh Jackson, Head of the Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Team (DRT) for Building Resilience of UNDP - UN Development Programme
15:15 - 15:25
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
15:25 - 15:40
Recognition & Thanks
Andrew Dowell, Managing Director of PNYX
Ronald Hugh Jackson, Head of the Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Team (DRT) for Building Resilience of UNDP - UN Development Programme and CONFERENCE CHAIR
15:40 - 16:00
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30
Disaster Relief Public-Private Sector Matchmaking Meetings
Afternoon session devoted to introductory 15-minute 1-2-1 matchmaking meetings between Government, UN, Disaster Agency and NGO stakeholders, and attending local, regional and global operators. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique opportunity to discuss disaster reduction, response and relief solutions across the Americas & Caribbean region.
Friday 24 February
9:00 - 12:00
Site Visit - Regional Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (CLRAH)
ADR2023 participants are invited to visit* the Regional Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (CLRAH); an initiative of the Government of Panama created to incorporate emergency operations of several actors into one integrated modern logistics facility. The Centre was implemented by UNOPS (opened late 2019), under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Government, in coordination with IFRC, UNHRD (WFP), and SINAPROC Panama who are the facility's primary users. Participants will visit the now-operational Regional Logistics Centre, be shown a presentation on the Centre before visiting the UNHRD, IFRC, and SINAPROC warehouses, and operations center situated at the Panamá Pacífico International Airport. This is a complimentary visit with transportation provided by the Ministry of Government, which will depart (9am) from and return (12pm) to the Marriott Panama Hotel Lobby.
* sturdy, closed shoes required