ASEC2024 Agenda
Tuesday 21 May
Ethiopian Skylight Hotel
Africa faces a multitude of security challenges across land, sea, and air domains, encompassing all sectors including political, economic, social, and environmental realms. Ranging from terrorism and insurgency, causing widespread instability, to maritime insecurity, transnational organised crime, cybersecurity threats, resource conflict, governance challenges and more, Africa faces a variety of complex security threats. In its 11th edition, the Africa Security Symposium (ASEC2024) provides a safe and open pan-African platform for high-level discussion, promoting public-private sector partnerships through themed discussion panels, exhibition, workshops, networking & social functions, and afternoon 1-2-1 matchmaking meetings. The private sector not only offers advanced technology solutions, capacity, and expertise, but it also brings job creation and the ability to aid regional cooperation, strengthen policy, capabilities, and resilience. Effective security solutions between public and private sector stakeholders requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach but undoubtedly, offers the best opportunity for long-term sustainable peace and development across the continent. ASEC, returning to Ethiopia for the first time since 2019, previously held in Senegal, Kenya, Rwanda, and Cote d’Ivoire, welcomes a plethora of African and international stakeholders, and looks forward to the two days of discussions and resulting partnerships which will ultimately aid Africa's stability and growth.
14:00 - 19:00
ASEC2024 Pre-Registration (Abay Ballroom, Ground Floor)
Participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass (business card required). Sponsors are asked to setup their exhibition booths from 4pm onwards. The ASEC registration desk will remain open all afternoon for those attending the site visit and workshop etc.
16:00 - 18:00
Defence Attachés' Workshop (Abay 1, Ground Floor)
Welcoming Defence Attachés' from across the African continent, this dedicated workshop will follow a round-table format allowing for open discussion and Q&A. Delegates will discuss lessons learned, current challenges and future priorities across the peace and stability spectrum. Attendees will also discuss private sector support on the continent, where the major challenges lie, what solutions are available and how they might be implemented.
Col Aristide Anguilet, Defence Attaché & Dean to Ethiopia of Embassy of Gabon; Ethiopia
Col Khalid Bekri, Military Attaché & Dean to African Attachés of Embassy of Morocco; Ethiopia
19:00 - 21:00
Evening Networking Reception (Terrace Bar, Second Floor)
ASEC2024 participants may meet at the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel Bar for an 'ice-breaker' Networking Reception to discuss the two days ahead in a relaxed and informal setting, whilst enjoying a range of canapés and refreshments. Also, an ideal opportunity for Panel Chairs to connect with their fellow panellists.
Wednesday 22 May
Abay Ballroom, Ethiopian Skylight Hotel
8:00 - 8:45
Networking Registration
If not already done so, ASEC2024 participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass whilst networking and enjoying tea & coffee (business card required).
8:45 - 9:00
Opening Ceremony
Andrew Dowell, Managing Director of PNYX
Hon. Motuma Mekassa, Former Ethiopian Minister of Defence of ASEC2024 CONFERENCE CHAIR
9:00 - 9:15
Opening Keynote Address
H.E. Amb. Bankole Adeoye, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace & Security (PAPS)
African Union Commission (AUC)
9:15 - 10:15
Panel 1: Border Security in Africa
ASEC2024’s opening panel discussion addresses the intricate challenges surrounding Africa's land and maritime border control. Our panellists study the dynamic give-and-take between fostering trade and free movement while combating the rising threats posed by transnational crime, terror groups, and traffickers. Amidst these complexities, the involvement of the private sector becomes paramount, necessitating innovative solutions and collaborative frameworks. The discussion explores the efficacy of a regional approach in tackling these multifaceted issues, emphasising the role of robust identification and biometric systems, specialized training programs, regulatory frameworks, and efficient data management. Navigating this terrain, panellists aim to deduce insights and strategies that not only secure borders but also facilitate legitimate trade and human movement, fostering prosperity while safeguarding against threats to regional stability and security. 
Panel Chair: Michelle Nxumalo, Marketing Manager of DCD Protected Mobility
Maj. Gen. Elias Mutota, Deputy Inspector General - Operations of Namibian Police Force (NAMPOL)
Dr. Michael Masiapato, Commissioner of BMA - Border Management Authority of South Africa
Maj Gen Gold Uhuoma Chibuisi, Senior Research Fellow - Army Resource Center of Nigerian Army; Nigeria Armed Forces
Col Youssouf Hassane Saleh, Chief J1 of Multinational Joint Taskforce (MNJTF)
10:05 - 10:15
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
10:15 - 10:35
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
10:35 - 11:35
Panel 2: Enhancing African Security Through Aviation Partnerships
Panel two delves into the critical role of effectively harnessing the air domain to improve the security framework of Africa. By embracing a capabilities-based approach, leveraging innovative solutions, and fostering collaboration between partner nations and the private sector, the continent can address resource shortages, enhance intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, fortify its security, and ultimately safeguard citizens, and advance prosperity across the continent. If suitably empowered, the air domain offers an asymmetric advantage against the destabilizing forces of terrorism, famine, and climate events. Aviation assets can effectively mitigate cross-border threats, are instrumental in supporting peacekeeping operations, humanitarian assistance missions and disaster relief efforts across the continent. Effective intelligence gathering is paramount to pre-empting security threats and maintaining situational awareness. Panellists discuss investment in aviation resources, building sustainable defence capabilities, cost-effective technologies, logistical support, financing options, international training, and collaborations between partner nations to neutralize threats and enhance security. 
Panel Chair: Col (Ret.) Tom Menker, BD & Government Relations Rep of Air Tractor, Inc.
Maj Gen (Ret.) Greg Lengyel, Senior Partner of Leading-Edge Vortex LLC
Col. Mohamed Nassim Boughlali, Aviation Planner of Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD), African Union Commission (AUC)
Lt Gen Mohan Subramanian, Force Commander of UNMISS - UN Mission in South Sudan
11:25 - 11:35
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
11:35 - 11:45
Spotlight Address
Brig Gen Jean Hilaire Lengoma Doudou of Gabon National Police Force
11:45 - 12:15
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
12:15 - 13:15
Panel 3: The Evolving Landscape of Law Enforcement & Policing Across Africa
In recent years, the continent has witnessed a significant transformation driven by the integration of private sector tools, new technologies, and the advent of the digital age. This shift has revolutionised intelligence and analysis, data gathering, and social media intelligence, enabling law enforcement agencies to adapt to modern challenges more effectively. However, amidst these advancements, challenges persist, including the struggle with appropriate use of force, building community engagement and trust, and coping with limited resources. Partnerships between law enforcement agencies, private sector, and communities have emerged as crucial mechanisms for addressing these issues and fostering safer environments. Panel two considers these themes, exploring innovative strategies, successes, and the ongoing efforts needed to enhance policing practices across Africa. 
Panel Chair: Paolo Siddi, Regional Sales Manager of RCS S.p.A.
David Mukuka Chileshe, Commissioner of Police of Zambia Police Service
Dr. John Akoten, Director - Research, Planning & Public Awareness of Kenya Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA)
Mody Berethe, Police Commissioner of MONUSCO - UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Asst. Commissioner Teshale Mikore Aloto, Ag. Vice President for Academic Affairs of Ethiopian Federal Police Commission/Ethiopian Police University
13:05 - 13:15
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
13:15 - 14:30
Networking Lunch Break
14:30 - 17:30
ASEC Public-Private Sector Matchmaking Meetings
Afternoon session dedicated to introductory 15-minute 1-2-1 matchmaking meetings between Government (defence, interior & police), U.S., United Nations & NGO stakeholders, and attending local, regional and global solution providers. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique networking opportunity to further sustainable peacekeeping and security efforts across the continent.
18:30 - 19:00
Event Dinner - Transport
For those that require it, transport is included with an ASEC2024 Event Dinner Ticket (please confirm at the on-site registration desk). Transport will depart from the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel Lobby at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start, returning back to the Hotel at approx. 10:00pm.
19:00 - 22:00
Event Dinner - Union Cocktail Bar & Restaurant
ASEC2024 delegates are invited to an informal Event Dinner at the Union Cocktail Bar & Restaurant, to experience the food, ambience and entertainment Ethiopia has to offer, not to mention the phenomenal views across Meskel Square. Dinner will be accompanied by drinks, entertainment and dancing from a local Addis Ababa group - an evening of further networking and discussion with like-minded colleagues. For more information, please contact a member of the ASEC team.
Thursday 23 May
Abay Ballroom, Ethiopian Skylight Hotel
8:30 - 9:00
Networking Registration
If not already done so, ASEC2024 participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass whilst networking and enjoying tea & coffee (business card required).
9:00 - 9:15
Day Two Welcoming Remarks
Hon. Motuma Mekassa, Former Ethiopian Minister of Defence of ASEC2024 CONFERENCE CHAIR
9:15 - 10:15
Panel 4: Countering Terrorism in Africa
Requiring multifaceted approaches, panel four explores the pivotal role of the private sector in collaboration with governments, the military and communities when looking to counter terrorism across the continent. Panellists discuss the intricacies of surveillance technology, combating radicalization, and the crucial emphasis on prevention over reaction. Addressing the connections between violent extremism, socioeconomic disparities, and political instability, our experts underscore the urgency of holistic strategies. Intelligence sharing among nations and regional cooperation stand as linchpins in thwarting transnational threats, while mitigating threats like Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) IEDs and CBRN attacks requires innovation. Moreover, panel four will spotlight the efficacy of community-driven initiatives in fostering long-term resilience. Together, panellists navigate the complex terrain of countering terrorism, seeking innovative solutions grounded in cooperation, vigilance, and inclusivity. 
Panel Chair: Fidel Amakye Owusu, Strategic Advisor of unival group GmbH
Cdr Abebe Muluneh Beyene, Director of IGAD Security Sector Program (ISSP)
Daniel Angel Damjanovic, Head of Branch - Regional Counter Terrorism Node for Africa of INTERPOL
Maj Gen Ibrahim Michael Mhona, Chiefs of Operations & Training of Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces (TPDF)
Mohamed Amine Hansali, General Controller/Liaison Officer of Permanent Mission of Morocco to the AU , Morocco General Directorate for National Security (DGSN)
10:05 - 10:15
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
10:15 - 10:35
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
10:35 - 10:45
Spotlight Address
Security Environment in the Horn of Africa - My Somali Experience
Maj Gen William K K Shume, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Innovation & Security Studies
Kenya National Defence University
10:45 - 11:45
Panel 5: Connect Africa - Connectivity Challenges
Panel five dissects Africa's communications and connectivity challenges across land, sea, and air. Panellists explore the complex landscape where the private sector, cloud networks, and satellites intersect to address critical issues, notably the ever-increasing scale, sophistication, and severity of cybersecurity threats. From security challenges to the imperative of impacting communities positively, our experts navigate the multifaceted dimensions of connectivity. Remote regions present unique challenges, underscoring the urgency for innovative solutions to bridge the digital divide. Moreover, ensuring quality and reliability in communication infrastructure remains paramount. Panel five explores how content intelligence can drive meaningful engagement while addressing cultural and linguistic diversity. Panellists harness their collective expertise to unearth actionable insights that can drive progress, empower communities, and pave the way for a more connected and prosperous Africa. 
Panel Chair: Augustus Kamitu, Sales Director - Enterprise & Cloud Africa of SES
Caroline Gaju, Programme Coordinator of ITU Regional Office for Africa
Col Julius Mbaine Rubakuuba, Assistant Chief of Defence Intelligence-CI of Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces (UPDF)
Mehdi Houichi, Head of ICT of CISSA - AUC's Committee of Intelligence & Security Services of Africa
11:35 - 11:45
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
11:45 - 12:05
Networking Tea & Coffee Break
12:05 - 13:05
Panel 6: Mission Support in Africa
ASEC2024’s concluding panel looks at mission support and Africa's Peace Support Operations (PSOs). Peacekeeping missions have long played a significant stabilising role across the continent, highlighting the crucial role of mission support. Critical infrastructure protection and safeguarding national assets are paramount, underscoring the need for robust partnerships and collaboration among stakeholders. However, challenges persist, including knowledge loss, emphasizing the importance of continuity planning and capacity building in particular, the need for modern training facilities and infrastructure, and the need for standardised curriculums. Conflict prevention and resolution remain central, with a focus on community engagement, especially empowering women who often play pivotal roles in stabilising societies. Addressing misinformation is imperative in maintaining public trust and support. Logistics, including reliable vehicles, are the backbone of mission success, highlighting the significance of efficient supply chains and life support systems. Throughout panel six, our experts delve into these critical facets, examining their significance in Africa's pursuit of sustainable peace and security. 
Panel Chair: Anthony St Clair, President & Co-Founder of African Corporate Services (ACS)
Col Andy Pitt, Commander of British Peace Support Team (Africa)
Maj Gen (Ret) Fidza Dludlu, Special Advisor to the SRCC of ATMIS - African Union Transition Mission in Somalia
Michel Soula, Head of Multilateral Organizations of NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Brig Gen Stephen Kashure, Joint Chief of Staff of EASF - Eastern Africa Standby Force
12:55 - 13:05
Audience Discussion; Question & Answer Session
13:05 - 13:20
Recognition & Thanks
Hon. Motuma Mekassa, Former Ethiopian Minister of Defence of ASEC2024 CONFERENCE CHAIR
Andrew Dowell, Managing Director of PNYX
13:20 - 14:30
Networking Lunch Break
14:30 - 17:30
ASEC Public-Private Sector Matchmaking Meetings
Afternoon session dedicated to introductory 15-minute 1-2-1 matchmaking meetings between Government (defence, interior & police), U.S., United Nations & NGO stakeholders, and attending local, regional and global solution providers. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique networking opportunity to further sustainable peacekeeping and security efforts across the continent.